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Overseeing the GSF Process

GSF grantees are selected through a two-tier process. Proposals are first reviewed by a committee of MIT faculty knowledgeable about the field within which the proposal lies. Finalists are then chosen by a selection board composed of faculty from across MIT. Over 100 MIT faculty members participate in this review process each year. This process is overseen by the GSF Advisory Committee:

Global Seed Funds Faculty Advisory Committee

Suzanne Berger

Suzanne Berger

John M. Deutch Institute Professor

Eric Grimson

Eric Grimson

Chancellor for Academic Advancement

Philip Khoury

Philip Khoury

Ford International Professor of History & Associate Provost

Richard Lester

Richard Lester

Japan Steel Industry Professor & Associate Provost 

Evan Lieberman Headshot

Evan Lieberman

Total Professor of Political Science and Contemporary Africa & Faculty Director, MISTI

melissa nobles

Melissa Nobles

Professor of Political Science & Chancellor