Michael Iglesias clad in a white judo uniform in a gym with a pale green mat on wooden floors with four other people in judo uniforms scattered around the judo gym on and off the pale green mat

Pursuing programming

Michael interned with ULVAC, a global supplier of vacuum pumps and components, production systems and instrumentation that are used in semiconductors and flat panel displays. Michael was also able to practice Judo near his workplace at an Olympic medalist’s dojo (training hall).

"I was a part of the simulation team attempting to simulate plasma simulations that are done in real life to deposit material on wafers and displays. My team rented a new simulation software tool and I was asked to run simulations using that tool and compare with previous results. This internship made me realize that I enjoy programming and I would like to pursue it more for my Master’s and as a career."

  • Michael Iglesias with his hands in his pockets standing far left with four colleagues in a white-walled office with grey desks and office chairs at ULVAC Japan
Immersing myself in the language and culture everyday during my internship made me appreciate a culture different from mine. My advice to future interns is to get out of your comfort zone and explore and talk to people as much as you can. Gain as much new experiences as you can. If you are in your apartment most of the time you are MISTI-ing wrong!
Michael Iglesias '23
Michael Iglesias and other MIT students posing in front of a red temple with a luscious green trees in the background in Kyoto Japan
Major & Class Year
Electrical Engineering and Computer Science & Class of 2023
Tokyo, Japan
MISTI Program
Kaili in a gold-yellow kimono in a traditional way of sitting "seiza" looking to the side to show an elaborate floral head piece that holds her hair up

Kaili's story