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Erin holding a light autonomous underwater vehicle

Erin's Story

Erin applied her mechanical engineering skills to the development of light autonomous underwater vehicles (LAUV) in the beautiful coastal town of Matosinhos, Portugal.

Erin worked at OceanScan-Marine Systems & Technology, which creates light autonomous underwater vehicles (LAUV) for underwater surveys, environmental monitoring, and underwater inspections. Her summer project was to design an add-on that would allow the LAUV to hover underwater. She was asked to do a literature review of current hovering AUV designs, use CAD to sketch a final design, simulate my design in ArduSub, and finally physically test my design in the water.

Erin shares, "This internship taught me how to design parts to align to a concept and meet specifications, receive feedback and modify my designs, simulate the design, and finally integrate hardware to physically test my work. I found the work challenging but very engaging, and through the internship, I got a glimpse of what life could be like as a mechanical engineering in a small company."

"This internship experience gave me confidence in my abilities to be an engineer outside of MIT. Professionally, it also helped me network with “big-name” Portuguese people in the ocean industry and meet Master’s and PhD students at the university. On a personal level, the friends I already knew introduced me to many of their friends, so I know that if I visit Porto again, I will always have someone to visit. ​"
Erin Menezes '24
Erin at a waterfall with a friend
Major & Class Year
Mechanical Engineering '24
Matosinhos, Portugal
MISTI Program
OceanScan-Marine Systems & Technology