Michael Tan holding up a peace sign as he stands at the fence overlooking the sea and a grass-covered cliff

Architect for the community

During the summer of 2023, Michael Tan '23, architecture major, worked at KMDW on a variety of projects that blurred the line between product design and architecture. KMDW is an architecture and design firm that fosters community by building relationships between people, objects, and buildings.

The first project I was involved in was designing pop-up CNC-cut stands for handicapped people (Ginza Connection Hub), prototyping shelters that could potentially be used for those displaced by war (FIT House), and multi-purpose shelf space for clients from elementary school students to home furniture (Bed & Book Booth). My role was mainly to help coordinate package design for the Bed & Book Booth project, while being tangentially involved in the other projects depending on the help that was needed.

  • Michael Tan standing over a table with printed papers of brown blocks, discussing work with colleagues at KMDW
I was able to expand my network in Japan through all sorts of interactions with alumni and colleagues, as well as being able to gain a deeper understanding of how architecture can help serve communities in need.
Michael Tan '23
Michael Tan with other MIT-Japan students and Christine Pilcavage with hosts at Kesennuma
Major & Class Year
Architecture & Class of 2023
Tokyo, Japan
MISTI program
Kevin Li leaning on a railing by his side with birds-eye view of the sparkling city lights of Sapporo in Hokkaido and some other tourists in the background and an information board

Kevin's story