Stories & Experiences

Kimia Ziadkhanpour standing on a bridge with a stream and city in the background

GTL Student Kimia Ziadkhanpour Teaches Biology and Chemistry in Roses and Vic, Spain

When Kimia was extracting strawberry DNA in her kitchen as a child growing up in New York, she never dreamed she would

Santiago Reyes Internship in Mumbai

GTL student John Michael Reyes teaches STEM courses in Andorra

There couldn’t be a country more different from John Michael’s home in Texas than the mountainous Andorra, yet he found

Nick Schwartz standing at a whiteboard and teaching a classroom full of students

GTL Mechanical Engineer Nick Schwartz teaches STEM concepts in Barcelona, Spain

When Nick traveled to Spain on a summer vacation long ago, he never thought he would be able to teach and live in one of

Baula Xu posing with a beautiful snow covered mountain range in the background

Computer science student Baula Xu teaches technology and engineering to students for GTL Andorra

Baula never thought she would have the opportunity to teach and learn in a country that most people have never heard of

Nicolas Gomez standing at the bottom of a stairwell of a stone building.

GTL student Nicolas Gomez del Campo teaches STEM in Andorra

Gazing at the steep rock formations of the Pyrenees Nick entered Andorra, a country with a population equivalent to his

Shaun Datta in a classroom teaching students in a very engaging hands-on manner

Senior Shaun Datta teaches physics and math(s) in Barcelona, Spain

Shaun had a dream to visit CERN, but he didn't expect that his teaching role in Spain would bring him to the mecca of

Emily Berzolla working with a group of students - everyone is wearing lab coats

GTL student Emily Berzolla teaches math and science in Barcelona

An MIT student and avid soccer fan, Emily had no idea the surprises she was in for when she traveled to the land of

Marco Villareal standing in front of an old cathedral in Spain

GTL student Ricardo Villarreal teaches math, physics, and chemistry in Barcelona, Spain

The combination of teaching and immersing himself in a different culture proved to be an extraordinary experience for

Mark Mockett posing with Barcelone in the distant background

GTL student Mark Mockett teaches math and physics in Barcelona

A student focusing on transportation systems, Mark did not expect the potential applications of his MIT studies. Reaping