Stories & Experiences

Kyla Truman busy as work with a microscope

At Instituto Cajal, recent Brain and Cognitive Sciences grad conducts 3D neuronal reconstruction

Kyla Truman created an image atlas of brain slices for an Alzheimer's Disease brain originally thought to be

Kiera posing in front of a digital screen displaying work documents

MechE student Kiera Gavin creates electrical engineering software to measure and control a new solar cell design in Madrid, Spain

In the lead lab in a project with 6 other universities throughout Europe, Kiera was able to design a software to test

Juan Carlos smiling for the camera while sitting down

Researching autonomous drone machine learning algorithms in Madrid

When Juan Carlos got to MIT he did not know he would be able to spend his days working with drones and nights on the

Kyra Post posing next to a friendly looking robot assistant

MechE Junior Kyra Post works on NAOTherapist program in Madrid, Spain

Kyra applied to MISTI Spain for the language, but gained more than she could have imagined through working in the

Rahul Ramakrishnan happily working in a lab.

Rahul Ramakrishnan uncovers new ways to improve carbon nanotube fibers in Madrid, Spain

While working on mechanics problem sets in his dorm room overlooking the Charles, little did Rahul know that in a few

Melanie Chhuan posing with co-workers in front of the HP building

Recent MechE graduate Melanie Chhuan designs processes to optimize part quality in 3D printers at HP, Inc. in Barcelona, Spain

In search of adventure and life experience, Melanie threw herself into the unfamiliar and beautiful city of Barcelona to

Olamide Oladeji posing with another researcher in front of their large poster displaying their work

Olamide Oladeji explores computational modelling for electrification planning in Madrid, Spain

Olamide Oladeji collaborated on the development of a computational tool to aid electrification planning in developing

Nathan Munet sitting near a mural with a high vantage point, showing many buildings from the city all the way to the horizon.

BCS student Nathan Munet assists with neurobiology research at the Cajal Institute in Madrid

After years of studying Spanish, Nathan finally fulfilled his dream of living and working in a Spanish-speaking country

Mateo Mariscal posing in front of a mechanical workshop

MECHE Student Mateo Mariscal conducts automotive research through vehicle dynamics simulations in Madrid

While pursuing his passion in clean transportation, Mateo got to experience the Spanish culture and explore Europe