Going abroad is usually a new and exciting experience, but, as with any big change, it can lead to emotional stress. Dealing with exposure to new environments, preexisting medical or mental health conditions, or even just homesickness can all have an impact.
ISOS offers an emotional support team, providing short-term counseling with mental health counselors in over 60 languages. You can choose your preferred counseling method: video calls, phone calls, or even face-to-face meetings. This service is confidential; however, if follow-up care recommended, ISOS will inform MIT Medical.
It’s important to remember that culture shock (as well as reverse culture shock) is a normal part of going abroad. It can come and go in waves, even after you return home. Culture shock is difficult, but it also sets the stage for personal growth. And if you feel like you're struggling, remember that you can always reach out to ISOS, MISTI, or your personal network for help.