To learn more about the MIT-Eurasia Program, visit Our StoriesNews l Events l Slavic Studies at MIT

Program Opportunities


The MIT-Eurasia Program offers internships, research, teaching, and study abroad opportunities in Eastern Europe, the Baltics, Central Asia, and the Caucasus. Below is the list of countries we have most developed connections with. However, over the years we have also sent students to other parts of the region, including Kyrgyzstan and Mongolia. Students interested in Eurasian countries not listed below should not hesitate to contact us at mit-eurasia [at]

Located in the mountainous Caucasus region, Armenia is known for its rich cultural heritage, vibrant tech scene, and welcoming people. Armenia is a host of our Global Teaching Labs and summer internship program. Opportunities are offered to undergraduate and graduate students in all majors.

Featured internship hosts:

Located at the crossroads of West and East, Georgia is a country of centuries-old architectural monuments and highly developed international research. It is one of the most popular study abroad destinations among students from all over the world. Georgia is a host for Global Teaching Labs and our summer internship program. Currently opportunities are limited, but please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Featured internship host:

Kazakhstan is the world’s ninth-largest country and one of the most economically advanced in Central Asia. Guests and visitors are welcomed with incredible warmth and respect. Kazakhstan is a long-standing host of our Global Teaching Lab program. Please check out our Student Stories for examples of what MIT students have worked on in this country.

The largest of the Baltic states, Lithuania is situated on the Baltic Sea just across from Sweden. Called Jerusalem of the North (or Athens of the North), Lithuania is distinct with its diverse cultural traditions, baroque architecture, pristine nature, and healthy food. Openness to innovation, an increasingly digitized society, and recognition from hundreds of leading global companies – that’s Lithuania today. Things here get done quicker and better because the doers – from students and engineers to policymakers – are agile, ambitious, and driven by big ideas, whether it's gene and cell therapy, laser technologies, or advanced machine learning.

Featured internship hosts:


Developing self-service systems for hotels and amusement parks using AI. The company is offering internships in marketing and market research, and programming (please see more information about the company here and their internship projects for summer 2024 here)


Laser communication connecting Earth and Space with high-speed laser links, satellite connectivity, and deep space exploration (please see more information about the company and their internship projects here)


A leading tech-driven media and entertainment company, producing uplifting content for people of all ages worldwide (please see more about the company and its data engineer internship here)


CarVertical is an established vehicle history reporting company. Sourcing data from 900 global registries and databases, it provides comprehensive reports that help customers across the globe make informed decisions when buying vehicles (please see more information about the company here and their summer 2024 internship here)


An automotive components manufacturer located in Kaunas (please see more about the company and its internship opportunities in engineering, data analytics, and automation here)  


Deep tech startup in bioscience on a mission to accelerate drug discovery (please see more information about the company here)


Industrial Automation, Robotization with AI elements and Computer Vision, and EV and PHEV powertrains (please see more information about the company here and their internship projects here)


Data Science and Analytics - the world's leading provider of global business intelligence and strategic market analysis (please see more information about the company and its internship projects here)


Big Data and AI – one of the fastest-growing technology companies in Europe (please see their internship projects here)


Biotechnology and genomics, bioinformatics, and DNA storage (please see more information about the company and its internship opportunities here)


An international group with extensive experience in providing future-proof solutions for electrical power distribution (see more information about the company and its internship opportunities in quality testing, mechanical assembly, and engineering here)


An international automotive supplier (please read more about the company and its internships in the Quality and Test Technology Departments here)


The fastest-growing web hosting company in the world, with the main focus on WordPress hosting (please see more information about the company here)


Established in 1999, this is the first privately owned university of management in Lithuania and now the #1 business school in the country (see more information about the university here and its internship opportunities here)


Smart Farming for Sustainable Agriculture (please see more information about the company and their internship opportunities here)


Global digital health care and wellness company: digital health products of the future (please see more information about the company and their internship opportunities here)


This unique museum explores the relationship between humanity and the Cosmic World. Internships are available in three areas: exhibition design, curatorial work, and education (please see more here)


A state-owned group of companies, the largest in the Baltic States in terms of freight,
passenger transport, and infrastructure management. In response to climate change, it currently focuses on reducing CO2 emissions, increasing energy efficiency, using renewable energy sources, and developing a circular economy. Internships are available in the following fields: robotics, proactive maintenance, and data analytics (see more here)


Universal Identification & E-Signature, eIDAS 2.0 - The European Digital Identity Wallet (please see more information about the company and their internship opportunities here)


Digital mental gym for workplaces (please see more information about the company and its internship opportunities here)


fabrication, rapid prototyping, programming for media display systems, carbon-free culture, public outreach, art pedagogy (please see more information about the gallery and their internship opportunities here)


FinTech instant payment solutions for online & offline businesses in the EU (please see more information about the company and its internship opportunities here)


The company is building world-leading cybersecurity tools for people and global businesses. Internships are available in the following fields: Data Science and Data Analysis; Information Security; Software Development (Low-Level, macOS); Marketing (Conversion Rate Optimization); and Risk (please read more here)


Software for solar engineering and planning - global solar technology company in over 70 countries (please see more information about the company here)


A private innovation laboratory working with research and development projects in the Web3 space (see more about the company and its internship opportunities in AI here).


Ecosystem infrastructure and exceptional services for inclusive places of work, culture, and community (please see more information about the company here and their internship project here)


App-based solution for mobility in cities (please see more information about the company here)


Autonomous IoT for Railways - a clean startup developing vibration energy harvesting technology (please see more information about the company and their internship opportunities here)

Volatile AI

Advanced detection of plant pests based on their chemical fingerprint, through the creation and tuning of a specific chemical analysis instrument (please see the detailed description of their internship here)

Vytautas Magnus University

Leading university in the fields of Humanities, Arts, Social and Biomedical Sciences (please see more information about the university and their research internships in Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, as well as Natural Sciences and Technology here)

Western Union Lithuania [Not accepting interns in 2024]

Robotic Process Automation, Cyber Security, Digital Banking (please see more information about the company and their internship opportunities here)


MIT-Eurasia matches MIT students with all-expenses-paid internships and research opportunities at leading companies and universities in Armenia, Lithuania, and other countries in Eastern Europe, the Baltics, Central Asia, and the Caucasus. Internships last for 8-12 weeks during the summer. MIT students of all class levels and majors are welcome to apply. 

  • GPA 4.0 or higher
  • Interest in Eurasia and passion for travel


  • There is no language requirement


  • None required. Please see below for recommended courses


Program expenses, including airfare, visa, accommodation, and a stipend, are covered.

  1. Complete the MISTI Launchpad Application – by December 1 (early deadline for priority placement) or Feb. 15 (final deadline for summer)
  2. Interview with Country Program Manager – rolling (as soon as student completes MISTI Launchpad Application and contacts MIT-Eurasia Managing Director)
  3. Commit to MIT-Eurasia Program – rolling (within two weeks after student receives placement offer from MIT-Eurasia)
  4. Internship matching process – rolling (after interview with MIT-Eurasia Managing Director)
  5. Mandatory pre-departure sessions – March to May

How to Apply

We work closely with students to find a tailored project that matches their skills and interests. Participating students are required to attend 4-5 one-hour training sessions before traveling to the country.

Please see the list of recommended courses in Slavic Studies at MIT.

Please see the Locations tab for detailed information.

Global Teaching Labs

MISTI Global Teaching Labs offers a unique opportunity for MIT students to learn by teaching in schools in Eurasia over IAP. You will develop and teach extracurricular, usually STEM-focused, workshops, emphasizing MIT's "mens et manus" approach and using hands-on activities, experiments, and demonstrations. MIT students of all class levels and majors are welcome to apply. 

Open to any MIT students willing to fully commit to a challenging teaching project. Teaching experience is a plus.

  • GPA 4.0 or higher
  • Teaching experience or interest in education is a plus
  • No language or course requirements
  • Sept: Students apply for the program.
  • Oct: Pre-selected students are invited to interview shortly after application deadline.
  • Nov - Dec: Students selected to participate will attend pre-departure trainings.
  • Jan: Most GTL programs take place during the last three weeks of the month.
  • Feb: Students attend a mandatory re-entry session upon return.

How to Apply

From the time you're accepted until you arrive in your MISTI country in January, you'll work independently to brainstorm ideas, prepare lesson plans, and organize materials. Students will also coordinate frequently with in-country partners and host school teachers via phone, Skype, etc. You'll also need to attend November training sessions on teaching skills and Eurasian culture and education.

What we need:

  • Passion and talent for teaching/mentoring and ability to excite about STEM concepts (prior teaching experience valued but NOT required)
  • Readiness to commit full-time to host school and project during IAP. You will teach for up to 20-25 hours a week but be ready to spend a lot of time preparing for the next day.
  • Willingness to spend several hours/week during semester from October to December to develop workshops
  • Ability to work closely with diverse team and meld well in collective work and living arrangements
  • Ability to communicate effectively with beginner-level English speakers highly valued for select school placements



  • Hayleybury School in Astana (read more)
  • Hayleybury School in Almaty (read more)
  • Learning Afterschool Centers in Almaty (read more)
  • Tamos Space School in Astana (read more)
  • Lastayev Public School in Katon-karagai village (read more)
  • Shoqan Walikhanov Private School in Almaty (read more)


Georgia's Innovation and Technology Agency (MIT students are invited to teach any of the following topics)

Meet Your Program Manager

Ekaterina Zabrovski Headshot

Get in touch with Katya Zabrovski, Managing Director for MIT-Eurasia, to get your questions answered.