The program's main goal is to maintain and strengthen the ties developed between MIT and Brazil through existing and new outbound programs (MIT to Brazil), and to support other MIT departments, labs and centers in fosterering ties with Brazil (outbound/ inbound).
We are driven by the belief that it is through the connection of talented individuals and their exposure to different points of view via hands-on projects that creative and sustainable solutions emerge to address the scientific, technological, environmental, social, economic, and institutional challenges confronting the twenty-first-century world. The MIT-Brazil program constantly seeks to foster valuable and long-lasting partnerships with leading Brazilian organizations (companies, research institutes, universities, startups, government agencies), grounded in the educational exchange made possible through research, teaching, career development activities as well as innovation and entrepreneurship joint initiatives.
Through the MISTI program, MIT-Brazil matches MIT undergraduate and graduate students with projects in Brazil as part of the MIT Global Classroom, MIT Global Teaching Labs, and a variety of internship opportunities—both in industry and in university research labs. Spanning from areas as diverse as biotechnology and civil engineering to artificial intelligence and management, MIT students experience one-of-a-kind opportunities to expand their horizons by experiencing Brazilian culture while closely collaborating with supervisors, colleagues and students on a socially, scientifically, economically and/ or technologically relevant project.
Program Opportunities
MISTI’s award-winning international internship program provides a one-of-a-kind, world-class experience for MIT students: the opportunity to gain real-life work experience in leading organizations around the world. Best of all, all expenses are paid, including airfare.
MIT-Brazil works with an ever growing network of host organizations across all sectors. If the MIT student is committed to going to Brazil and wants to study the language, we commit to finding and securing opportunities outside of our existing network. Internships typically last from 10-12 weeks during the summer, though longer placements can also be arranged. Key sectors include: computer science and artificial intelligence, biotech, pharma, life sciences, fintech and financial services, materials science and engineering, design, architecture, and sustainability.
- Mandatory pre-departure training on Brazilian culture, travel logistics, health and safety
- Minimum GPA of 4.0
- Recommended to have had a UROP or other relevant professional experience (internships, work experience), but not mandatory.
- A culture course and participation in other MIT-Brazil campus events is strongly encouraged.
- Spots for first year students are extremely limited. First year students are encouraged to delay applying to the program until their sophomore year, unless they are committed to Brazil and taking Portuguese classes. Talk to the MIT-Brazil director if you have questions.
Undergraduates: 2 semesters Portuguese language courses OR equivalent proficiency. Check out Portuguese language courses at MIT. We also encourage MIT students who are proficient in Spanish to apply (it is easier to learn Portuguese).
The language requirement can be waived, depending on the placement with some Brazilian hosts/ internship opportunities that require a specific background. Talk to the MIT-Brazil director.
Graduate students: Language requirement waived. Placement will depend on available internships and funding opportunities.
- Informational meetings are available year-round. Contact program lead to schedule.
- Complete the MISTI Launchpad Application – By December 1st, rolling thereafter until February 15th.
- Schedule official Interview with Brazil Program Director – September to February 15th (Schedule interview as soon as MISTI Launchpad Application is complete)
- After Launchpad process, notify program staff by email you wish to complete the Brazil-Specific Application
- Internship matching process – October to March
- Mandatory Pre-Departure Sessions – Mid-March to Early May, and MIT-Brazil campus events encouraged throughout the year for further enrichment.
- Begin Internship – Late May / Early June
- End Internship – Mid-Late August
Global Teaching Labs
Learn through teaching. GTL challenges MIT students to synthesize and present what they know, work in a team, and communicate with peers of a different cultural background, all while sharing MIT's unique approach to science and engineering education with high school students around the world. GTLs are often thematic and offered in several country options per IAP.
GTLs in Brazil mostly take place during Brazil's summer (MIT's IAP), while schools are not in session. Brazil Teaching Labs often thematic and designed as week-long workshops. Some workshops may be run during June-August.
We won't have GTL in Brazil during IAP 2025.
We may have spots for GTLs during Summer 2025 for students who commit to Summer internships. We are looking for MIT students who want to share their love for learning with Brazilian low-income high schoolers. Past workshops are:
- "Polymers of Soccer" (multiple one-week long sessions). Students need to arrive in Brazil by January 6. Programs will run from Jan 8- 26 2024 in multiple cities.
- "Build-a-thon of a Rover" (one three week-long session) in Brazil's semi-arid region. *This will take place during Summer 2024*
- APPLICATION DUE: For IAP 2025 GTL in other countries, deadline here
There will be no GTL in Brazil January 2025.
Minimum GPA of 4.0 and willing to fully commit to a challenging teaching project.
We are looking for students who are:
- Passionate about teaching/learning and ability to excite about STEAM+Design concepts (with or without prior teaching experience) both in front of classroom and 1-on-1;
- Ready to commit full-time to host and project during IAP and spend several hours/week during semester from Oct. to Dec. to develop workshops;
- Able to lead and manage groups of 10-15 students, as well as guide and mentor individually;
- Adaptable (you will be part of a diverse team and will work and live in a new culture);
- Interested in participating in MIT-Brazil GTL for 2 consecutive years (a commitment is highly valued)
- Experienced in teaching beginner-level English speakers (highly valued for select placements).
We will require intermediate knowledge of Portuguese, since the MIT students will need to work with Brazilian high schoolers who are not proficient. (Check out Portuguese Language taught at MIT)
If you are Brazilian and would like to be part of a GTL team, please email mit-brazil [at] (mit-brazil[at]mit[dot]edu)
Projects run about 3-4 weeks in January, starting on the first day of IAP and ending the Friday before the first day of classes.
From the time your candidacy is accepted until you arrive in Brazil in January, your team will meet frequently. You will also work independently to brainstorm ideas, prepare lesson plans, and procure and test materials. Teams will also coordinate with in-country partners and host school teachers via phone, Zoom, etc. You also must commit to attending 3-4 training sessions in October/November on teaching skills and Brazilian culture and education.
We've got you covered for all necessities: airfare, housing, and stipend for basic living expenses.
- APPLICATION DUE: See GTL deadline here
- Oct: Pre-selected students are invited to interview shortly after application deadline.
- Nov - Dec: Students selected to participate will attend pre-departure trainings.
- Jan: Most GTL programs take place during the last three weeks.
- Feb: Students attend a mandatory re-entry session upon return.
Global Classroom
MISTI Global Classrooms are short-term—usually 2- to 3-week—opportunities to learn abroad alongside MIT faculty. Programs take place over IAP or in the summer and may be credit-bearing or non-credit-bearing. Some Global Classrooms focus on grand challenges such as climate, sustainability and health, while others explore culture and society. In all cases, the Global Classroom location is critical to the learning experience.
MISTI Global Classroom: Brazil
10.496/1.096: Design of Sustainable Polymer Systems in the Amazon - Manaus, Brazil
Contact: Rosabelli Coelho (rlck [at] (rmit-brazil[at]mit[dot]edu))
WGS.247: Race, Place, and Modernity in the Americas - São Paulo, Brazil
Contact: Lecturer Joaquin Terrones (jsterron [at] (jsterron[at]mit[dot]edu))
- Global Classroom Application
- Interview of selected students
- Minimum GPA of 4.0
- Mandatory pre-departure training on Brazilian culture, travel logistics, health and safety
- Encouraged to attend all MIT-Brazil events.
Application opens: Mid Sept 2024 TBD
Application deadline: Sept/ Oct 2024 TBD
Global Seed Funds for MIT-Brazil
MIT-Brazil promotes collaboration and joint research projects between MIT faculty and researchers in Brazil through the MIT-Brazil Seed Funds, part of the MIT Global Seed Funds. The engagement in these joint, faculty-led programs bring together students, academics, engineers, policymakers, and entrepreneurs from MIT and Brazil. In line with MIT’s mission to develop in each member of the community the ability and passion to work wisely, creatively, and effectively for the betterment of humankind, we hope to continue expanding the opportunities for further collaboration and research while reducing the gaps between Brazil and MIT. Since 2010 the past Brazil funds supported more than 80 faculty grants.

MIT-Brazil Amazonia Seed Fund
Launched in Fall 2023 in partnership with Amazonia 2030, this initiative fosters early-stage collaboration between Brazil and MIT. Joint teams from MIT and Brazilian universities, research institutes, NGOs, and other organizations are invited to submit proposals that address key issues related to the Brazilian Amazon, including its cities, environment, culture, and communities. For more information

Lemann, TVML Foundation and past Brazil Seed Funds
Between 2015 and 2019, the MIT-Brazil Lemann Seed Fund fostered collaborations between MIT faculty and researchers and their counterparts in Brazil. Projects supported by the fund focused on education policy, educational technology, and educational reform, with many partnerships continuing well beyond these initial "seeds."
The MIT-Brazil Lemann Seed Fund (2015–2019), the MIT-Brazil TVML Foundation Seed Fund (2015-2019), along with earlier funds like MIT-CNPq, MIT-FAPESP, and MIT-FACEPE joint calls (2009–2015), laid the foundation for lasting impact.
As Professor Roseli de Deus Lopes from USP, a collaborator with Professor Mitch Resnick and the MIT Lifelong Kindergarten team and a recipient of a 2015 MIT-Brazil Lemann Seed Fund grant, put it when she got the grant: "The importance of this and other MIT-Brazil Seed Funds is that they allow us to interact in person. While I was already familiar with MIT’s research, the opportunity to be here provides inspiration for many projects and allows us to showcase what we’re doing back in Brazil. We conduct various activities focused on primary education in Brazil, including real-world trials of technology in schools. Being at MIT, engaging directly with developers and sharing our initiatives, which could be integrated here, is a unique opportunity. This interaction will allow us to return to Brazil and continue our work, with the goal of achieving even more promising results next time we visit. This is just the beginning—a seed—of a project launched with great energy. We’ve already received valuable feedback at the Scratch Conference on a project Isabela presented, and Cássia was able to share her work as well. The response has been very positive, giving us confidence that this project has great potential, not only for our current work but also in opening doors for other students and professors at our university. Moreover, this type of collaboration is enabling cutting-edge research opportunities with excellent groups, which, in the short term, will have a significant impact on Brazilian education."
MIT-Brazil Brochure
Creating Scientific, Intellectual and Cultural bridges between MIT and Brazil
Latest News from MIT-Brazil
Meet the Director

Get in touch with Rosabelli Coelho, Managing Director for MIT-Brazil, to get your questions answered.