Take the Train!
Spain has an extensive rail system around the country called RENFE. It is fast and clean! You can get between Madrid and Barcelona in less than 3 hours!

Metro Passes
Esmadrid.com Guide: Getting Around Madrid
Madrid offers the Abono Joven, a reduced-cost unlimited metro transportation pass for people 25 years old or younger. You can get the card two ways:
- Buy it online and ship it to a Spain address.
- Set up an appointment ahead of time and get it in person.
1. Choose:
- Quiero obtener una Tarjeta Transporte Publico
- El solicitante tiene entre 7 y 25 años
- Tipo de Documento: Pasaporte Documento: --- 000
2. Pedir cita previa
Click: Iniciar búsqueda de cita previa opr oficina de gestion
Oficina de gestion: Estación Metro de Sol
Fecha – choose a date not more than 30 days in advance
3. Buscar Cita Previa
4. Confirmar Cita
***Make sure to add your email and phone number and bring your passport with you to the appointment.
Other notes:
- The card has an initial cost of 4€ and a 30-day pass is 20€.
- You NEED an appointment to get the card and the dates fill up fast.
- The 30 days start counting since the first moment you “swipe” the card in a station.
- The 30-day pass is unlimited and allows you take any metro, buses or cercanías in the “Comunidad de Madrid”. You can even take buses to Toledo and neighboring cities.
The Metro system in Barcelona is amazingly efficient and convenient. There are two metro cards recommended: the T-mes, which gives you unlimited rides for one month, or the T-jove, which gives you unlimited rides for three months if you’re under 25. Depending on the duration of the internship, these Metro cards often prove to be the best deals, especially if you have to take the Metro every day to get to work (which you probably will).