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Aaron Suarez, MEng, EECS '16

As one of the few developers at my company, I took on a lot of responsibility and had to guide myself at times in setting smaller deadlines and estimating project completion times. It forced me to look critically at my own work, evaluate its quality, and decide how to allocate my time in tweaking and improving what I built.

I worked for a division of IBJ called Home Worker's Community (HWC). This group within the larger company caters towards connecting freelancers in Japan to individuals and organizations that need work done. My role as Web Developer had me designing and creating websites to help the company and its freelancers.

My first major project was to work with two other interns to develop the prototype of a social network platform for HWC's freelancers. Because of the web development experience I gained from MIT classes and projects, I served as an unofficial lead of the project. I helped guide the other two interns through the project while learning alongside them. Other examples of independent projects included developing an HR system and an internal website to manage photo assets.