- August 28, 2021
Héctor Vázquez Martínez, EECS '20
With me, I take the beginnings of my education in a third tongue as well as a newfound passion for languages. I can now communicate with many new people that I otherwise would not be able to reach in their mother tongue. This internship (and this exchange) have given me a new sense of direction for my last year at MIT. I loved the laboratory where I was working, the research that they do as well as the culture among its members. It has given me the goal of coming back for graduate studies after I graduate. The friends I made in Zürich were happy to give me a piece of their home and share their culture with me. I’m astounded by how much I learned, grew and took away from Switzerland this year. But as I now leave, I realize how much more there was left to learn, see and explore. Coming back for me will be as much a responsibility as it is a goal.”