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Jose Rios, ChemE, '18

During MIT-Japan, by stepping a bit out of my comfort zone and trying new things I was able to have many unforgettable experiences!

IHI is a heavy-industry manufacturer company focused on a variety of fields from Resource, Energy and Environment to Aero/Space Engineering. Specifically I worked with my mentor to make and test a specific Clathrate catalyst in order to produce Ammonia gas at high rates from Hydrogen and Nitrogen gas. In the future, this Ammonia could be used in a small scale renewable energy plant in gas turbines or solid oxygen fuel cells. Our goal was to adjust the composition and measure the activation energy and ammonia production rate to determine an optimal composition. My job would be to make the catalyst and also perform many tests on each catalyst by measuring ammonia production. By the end I was able to successfully make and test many catalysts and help my mentor get closer at determining the variety of trends that composition have on catalyst rate and activation energy.