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Global Classroom

Global Classrooms are short-term—usually 2- to 4-week—opportunities for MIT students to learn abroad alongside MIT faculty. Programs take place over IAP or in the summer and may be credit-bearing or non-credit-bearing. Some Global Classrooms focus on grand challenges such as climate, sustainability and health, while others explore culture and society. In all cases, the Global Classroom location is critical to the learning experience.

MISTI offers support for faculty wishing to launch new Global Classrooms, ranging from student health and safety to programming and, in some cases, funding.

How it works:

  • Collaborate with a MISTI Country Program Manager
  • Create a workshop or for-credit course over IAP or summer that incorporate the "mens et manus" hands-on approach
  • Plan for students to spend at least two weeks abroad
  • Include at least 10 undergraduate students
  • Engage graduate students as mentors/TAs
  • Work with local partners and students 

Priority is given to projects in the MISTI Impact Areas: Climate and Sustainability, Global Health, AI and Social Impact. 

MISTI Global Classroom awardees receive up to $50,000 per project.

If you are interested in building a Global Classroom, please contact a MISTI Country Program Manager to get started. MISTI Country Program Managers will partner with you and submit an application on behalf of the project.

Deadlines for MISTI Global Classroom: 

  • May 1st (IAP)
  • September 1st (Summer) 

To learn more about the SHASS/MISTI Global Classroom and view the application, click here

SHASS/MISTI Global Classroom Awardees receive up to $25,000 per project.

Deadline for the SHASS/MISTI Global Classroom: 

  • May 1st (IAP)


Beyond funding, MISTI may be able to assist in the creation of a global classroom fund. Areas of expertise include:

  • Country-specific knowledge
  • Application management
  • Selection process
  • Logistics
  • Financial procedures
  • Student health and safety

If you are interested in connecting with MISTI about possible support, please contact a MISTI Manager for the program’s country