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More Information on the Tokyo Institute of Technology - MIT Exchange Program

As one of Japan's top universities, Tokyo Institute of Technology seeks to contribute to civilization, peace and prosperity in the world, and aims at developing global human capabilities par excellence through pioneering research and education in science and technology, including industrial and social management. 

In the 21st century, the role of science and technology universities has become increasingly important. Tokyo Tech continues to develop global leaders in the fields of science and technology, and contributes to the betterment of society through its research, focusing on solutions to global issues. The Institute's long-term goal is to become the world's leading science and technology university.

Of the approximately 10,000 students at the Ookayama, Suzukakedai, and Tamachi Campuses, half are in their bachelor's degree program while the other half are in master's and doctoral degree programs. International students number 1,200. There are 1,200 faculty and 600 administrative and technical staff members.

Here is the TokyoTech website.

Additional information about TokyoTech can be found in this guide for international students However, some sections are not relevant for our students.

MIT students on the exchange will be studying at the Tokyo Tech for the equivalent of MIT’s fall semester.

This semester will be comprised of two quarters:

  • Quarter 3 (the academic year in Tokyo begins in spring) runs late-September to late-November.
  • Quarter 4 runs late-November-late January or early February. This sometimes runs into MIT's Spring Semester, but will only overlap by one week. 

We recommend verifying program start and end dates directly with TokyoTech:

Applicants for the exchange should be:

  • Course 22 majors or students who have taken 22.01
  • Junior at time of application; senior at time of participation in the exchange
  • Have a GPA of 4.3 or above
  • Have mostly A’s in their prior science, math, and engineering courses
  • In good academic standing
  • In good judicial standing
  • Up to date with the Communication Requirement
  • Up to date with HASS courses

Contact MISTI if you have questions about your particular situation.

This exchange will allow up to 2 MIT undergraduate students to study at the University of Tokyo for an equivalent of one semester every year. The application deadline is February 15th for the following academic year.

  1. Complete your application for the exchange through the MISTI Portal, including academic recommendation.
  2. Once your application is complete, it will be reviewed by MISTI and your department. You may be invited to a ~30 minute informal interview. Following the interview, you will receive a decision on your application and be given two weeks to confirm your space on the program.

MIT students will be talking engineering courses in English and they will be expected to take Japanese language courses as well.

Engineering Course Selection

There is no link with courses for our students.  Options are listed below.

Two options:

Option 1: (recommended) Three package classes in 3Q and 4Q in graduate major in Nuclear Engineering + Research in a research group of Laboratory for Advanced Nuclear Energy

Option 2: Four package classes graduate major in Nuclear Engineering in 3Q and 4Q

Note: Each package class in Tokyo Tech corresponds to a 12 unit MIT class.


Study Plan - Classes (Quarters, Units, Credit)

Required classes:

Japanese Language (Q3 + Q4, 12 units, HASS)

(NCL.N502) Innovative Nuclear Systems Design Project (Q3 + Q4, 12 units, 22.033)

12 units, selected from the following options:

(NCL.C401) Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering (Q3, 6 units, 22.051)

(NCL.D407) Experiment on Severe Thermal-Hydraulic & Accident Eng. (Q4, 6 units, 22.099)

(NCL.D402) Experiments for Materials Related to Decommissioning (Q3 or Q4, 6 units, 22.099)

(NCL.D405) Ex. for Nuclear Fuel Debris and Back-end Fuel Cycle (Q3 or Q4, 6 units, 22.099)


Course Descriptions

Japanese Language Classes

There are several Japanese language classes for international students. Proper Japanese language classes will be decided based on the Japanese language skill of the students. Assignments may be provided before the student comes to Tokyo Tech if they are a beginner.

(NCL.N502) Innovative Nuclear Systems Design Project

The students design an innovative nuclear which the students decide by themselves. It will include numerical analysis of reactor physics, thermal hydraulics and other issues by using computer codes. Students are requested to make the presentation about the design of  the reactor at a workshop which will be held in Tokyo Tech with several experts in nuclear institutions in Japan. The lecturers are Professor Obara and other professors in Tokyo Tech.

Visit to Fukushima-Daiichi NPS is planned. (Optional, travel expenses are not supported)

(NCL.C401) Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering

Science and technologies in nuclear fuel cycle, consisting of uranium mining and refining, uranium enrichment, fuel fabrication, spent fuel reprocessing, partitioning and transmutation of actinides and lanthanides, and waste management, will be lectured.

(NCL.D407) Experiment on Severe Thermal-Hydraulic & Accident Engineering

Concerning Thermal-hydraulic measurements using ultrasonic waves, after learning measurement principles and techniques, students will learn measurement skills through experiments. Students will learn the basics of robot control, and through transport experiments for robots designed for reactor measurements done after a severe accident, they will acquire basic skills as a robot engineer.

(NCL.D402) Experiments for Materials Related to Decommissioning

Students learn the basic principles of physical properties evaluation for solid materials required to decommissioning of nuclear reactors using the text. Students also learn fundamentals of handling nonsealed radioisotopes, contamination tests and decontamination, exposure prevention of exposure etc.

(NCL.D405) Experiments for Nuclear Fuel Debris and Backend Fuel Cycle

This course aims to study the various chemical analysis operations, which are required for the treatment of nuclear debris and nuclear liquid and solid waste matrix generated from the nuclear severe accidents. In particular, 3 types of experiments consisting of solvent extraction, refining and conversion, and decommissioning will be performed. Syllabus in the reference.


Research Opportunity in Laboratory for Advanced Nuclear Energy

MIT student can have a research opportunity in a research group in Laboratory in Advanced Nuclear Energy and perform research while being mentored by a professor or a associate professor.

You can find the research topic of each professor here:



Transfer Credit

Information on the transfer credit process at MIT can be found here.

Students admitted to the program will continue to pay MIT tuition for the exchange semester and will pay all their living expenses locally for that semester.

A few months before departure, SFS and MISTI will share with the students and the most up-to-date budget for the participation on the Exchange based on an agreement with the host institution.

MIT financial aid is portable for this program. Admitted students who receive financial aid should make an appointment with the financial aid representative to whom they are assigned to discuss the details.

Students have a variety of options for housing. More information can be found on the Tokyo Tech housing website.

Tokyo Institute of Technology has an Immigration and Visa Consulting Service to assist MIT students participating in the exchange in obtaining Certificate of Eligibility and student visa for the program.

Meet Your Program Manager

Christine Pilcavage headshot

Get in touch with Chris Pilcavage, Managing Director for MIT-Japan, to get your questions answered.

News and Updates on Tokyo Tech Exchange Program

Riley Sage Moeykens in a long grey sweater and Carmen Avila in a brown sweater standing amongst Tokyo Tech EVP Imura and Tokyo Tech-MIT Student Exchange Program Committee members clad in suits and Prof. Takuya Harada in a sweater and collared shirt

Student Stories from Tokyo Tech-MIT Student Exchange Program 2023

Read student stories from both MIT and Tokyo Tech about this exchange program.