Experience the Rainbow Nation in Living Color

With 11 national languages, a vibrant democracy, a reconciliatory approach to its history, and a strong research landscape, South Africa is an ideal destination to gain new perspectives and build lasting connections.   

Based in the country’s executive capital, the University of Pretoria is a premier public research university with over 50,000 students. It is among Africa’s top universities, and one of the best in the Southern Hemisphere. University of Pretoria’s mission is to graduate well-rounded, responsible citizens fully prepared for the world beyond university. The school is deeply rooted in its commitment to overall excellence and to finding African solutions to global concerns.

This program is available to Course 16 and Course 21 students. More details below. 

More Information on the University of Pretoria Academic Exchange Program

To qualify, students must meet ONE of the criterion below:

  • Majoring in Course 16 - Aeronautics/Astronautics
  • Majoring Course 21-African and African Diaspora Studies
  • Minoring in Course 21-African and African Diaspora Studies




To qualify, students must meet ALL of the criteria below

Exchange for Course 16 majors. Applicants for the exchange need to be:

  • Have a GPA of 4.3 or above
  • In good academic standing
  • In good judicial standing
  • Up to date with the Communication Requirement
  • Up to date with HASS courses

Contact MISTI if you have questions about your particular situation.

Complete the MISTI application for the exchange, including academic recommendation. Once your application is complete, it will be reviewed by MISTI and your department and you may be invited to a ~30 minute informal interview. Following the interview, you will receive a decision on your application and be given two weeks to confirm your space on the program.


University of Pretoria Faculty* of Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering 

University of Pretoria Faculty* of Humanities


The complete yearbook** is available here


South African English Translations:

*Faculty = Department 

**Yearbook = Course Catalogue 


Transfer Credit

Information on the transfer credit process at MIT can be found here.

Students admitted to the program will continue to pay MIT tuition for the exchange semester and will pay all their living expenses locally for that semester.

A few months before departure, SFS and MISTI will share with the students and the most up-to-date budget for the participation on the Exchange based on an agreement with the host institution.

MIT financial aid is portable for this program. Admitted students who receive financial aid should make an appointment with the financial aid representative to whom they are assigned to discuss the details.

Visa required for US passport holders. Other nationalities check instructions with Embassy/Consulate.



Meet Your Program Manager

Students and program manager in gallery

Get in touch with Ari Jacobovits, Managing Director for MIT-Africa, to get your questions answered.