Stories & Experiences

Melanie Chhuan posing with co-workers in front of the HP building

Recent MechE graduate Melanie Chhuan designs processes to optimize part quality in 3D printers at HP, Inc. in Barcelona, Spain

In search of adventure and life experience, Melanie threw herself into the unfamiliar and beautiful city of Barcelona to

Peter Crocker posing on a balcony with beautiful rolling hills in the background

Peter Crocker studies Boundary Layer Turbulence and the inverse Magnus Effect in Malaga, Spain

Peter never could have guessed the dimples in a golf ball double the driving distance, but after studying boundary

Emily Cimmino working on Lego Mindstorms with a group of students

MechE student Emily Cimmino teaches Math and Technology classes in Barcelona, Spain

Through the Global Teaching Labs program, Emily inspired high school students as she found her own inspiration in

Nick Martin standing in a stadium full of people at a soccer/football match

Mechanical engineering student Nick Martin teaches physics in Barcelona

Nick collaborated as an educator across cultures in Spain to bring new perspectives to the physics classroom. Using past

Nick Schwartz standing at a whiteboard and teaching a classroom full of students

GTL Mechanical Engineer Nick Schwartz teaches STEM concepts in Barcelona, Spain

When Nick traveled to Spain on a summer vacation long ago, he never thought he would be able to teach and live in one of

Emily Berzolla working with a group of students - everyone is wearing lab coats

GTL student Emily Berzolla teaches math and science in Barcelona

An MIT student and avid soccer fan, Emily had no idea the surprises she was in for when she traveled to the land of

Serena Le at the LVPEI

At L.V. Prasad Eye Institute, Serena Le addresses the issue of eye disease by developing high-quality, low-cost prototypes

Serena Le designed and 3-D printed device prototypes that she developed at L.V. Prasad Eye Institute, with the goal of

Marwa Alalawi at a historical site

Marwa AlAlawi, MechE, Class of 2020 @GREE, Japan

My Internship through MISTI Japan helped me get closer to my dream of becoming a bridge between MIT, Japan, and the

PhD student from MIT inspires Kazakh kids to love chemistry

PhD student from MIT inspires Kazakh kids to love chemistry

'LEARN 2 LOVE' CHEMISTRY Sami Khan spent three weeks over IAP at the Nazarbayev Intellectual School in Karaganda in