Supporting common good

Addressing the socioeconomic and environmental practices that disadvantage communities is a global imperative that engages all disciplines. Building on MIT's motto, "Mind and Hand," MISTI students combine their campus curriculum with a practical social purpose, gaining invaluable experience with ventures committed to solving systemic social problems around the world. Students work directly with impact professionals and entrepreneurs whose organizations' operations reflect positive social and environmental outcomes. By prioritizing internships that benefit society, students realize MIT's global commitment with concrete steps toward change and sustainable impact.


Student Story: Vishnu Prasad

Urban Studies and Planning graduate student examines housing strategies in Kazakhstan

Lukas in Gaza with solar panel


Navigating cultures while making a difference

Become a MISTI partner

host and student

From hosting a student at your organization to funding an opportunity directly, you can help MISTI make an impact!

pramada 1

Funds can be focused on a specific impact area; Artificial Intelligence, Climate and Sustainability, Global Health, and Social Impact; or cross-impact area.


  • A $10,000 gift would create an opportunity for at least one student.
  • A $100,000 gift would create opportunities for at least ten students.
  • A major gift commitment of $500,000 over five years would fund ten students per year for five years.

Global Classroom (Faculty-Led Programs):

  • A $50,000 gift would enable us to fund at least 1 program for 10 students.
  • A $250,000 gift would enable us to fund at least 5 faculty-led projects for 50 students.

Sparking Economic Development with Makerspaces

Students and program manager in gallery